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Help children with speech sound disorders by teaching difficult sounds

What is it about?

There are multiple ways to teach speech sounds to children who have speech sound disorders. One counter-intuitive approach is to teach sounds that are difficult. Research shows that this approach is effective but few speech-language pathologists adopt this approach because many are unfamiliar with this approach. In this tutorial, I explain why speech-language pathologists should use the approach and show them how to select difficult sounds for three different children. I also provide a variety of free materials to help speech-language pathologists determine which sounds are difficult and select appropriately difficult sound for treatment.

Why is it important?

Teaching difficult sounds is an effective way to improve speech for children with speech sound disorders but few speech-language pathologist use this approach in their clinical practice. This tutorial will help speech-language pathologist add this teaching approach to their clinical practice, improving their ability to help children with speech sound disorders catch up to their typically developing peers.

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Holly Storkel
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