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Why are most call centre agents women?

What is it about?

Two-thirds of agents in the global call centre industry are women, and this article offers a new perspective on why this might be the case. Focusing on the language agents are expected to use with customers, we show not only that females are thought to be naturally good at customer care, but also that they are more rule-compliant. This is significant in a work environment where there is an abundance of rules to follow and targets to meet.

Why is it important?

The findings are important because they show that females may be over-recruited to the call centre industry. While being preferred over male candidates may be an advantage for those women who want and need the job, it excludes men who might have been equally good. In the long term, it may also lead to women being disproportionately recruited to these jobs that are notorious for their low pay and stressful working conditions. This is a worrying trend that is only likely to continue given the expansion of call centres.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Anna Kristina Hultgren
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