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Whistleblowing Intentions Among Public Accountants in Indonesia

What is it about?

The purpose of this study was to validate the model developed by Alleyne et al. (2013) for the Indonesian context.

Why is it important?

Our study contributes by providing new insights into the relationship between the individual levels of the antecedents and how the intention of whistleblowing is moderated by perceived organizational support (POS), team norms (TNs), and perceived moral intensity (PMI). In this paper, we argue that the intention of both internal and external whistleblowing depends on the individual-level antecedents [attitudes toward whistleblowing, perceived behavioral control, independence commitment, personal responsibility for reporting, and personal cost of reporting (PCR)] and is moderated by POS, TNs, and PMI.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Christian M. Ringle and Hengky Latan
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